FAST - COMPLEX TRAINING: strength and conditioning workout for athletes

Acronym for Functional Alpine Ski Training designates a training method specifically designed for athletic training dedicated to alpine skiing. Skiing is a complex, technical, combinatorial, situational sport, the execution of which, although carried out in a standardized way, is subjected to numerous variables characterized, on an athletic level, by a high muscular tension (over 3 g of acceleration when cornering, corresponding to more than 300 kg) and a large joint mobility. For this reason, in the FAST KIT we find tools that involve strength exercises characterized by destabilization and a full range of movement, from which coordination and ability to stabilize the joints. The goal of this strength-conditioning work is to improve all the athlete's specific neural and metabolic capabilities starting from strength in all its components: maximum strength, explosive strength (power), elastic-reflex strength, resistant strength . In 9012/3K FAST KIT we find tools that involve strength exercises characterized by destabilization and a full range of motion, hence coordination and ability to stabilize the joints). KIT composed of:
  • 9012/3 LOW HEX BAR  (click HERE for the video) It is the central tool of the method. Enables strength training with deep squats, dynamic and destabilizing multiplanar exercises.
  • 8054 FLOW-Bag  (click HERE for the video) The water moves inside the bag. The tool completes, in terms of proprioception, reactivity and general strength, the work done with the Low Hex Bar. Being equipped with different grips, it allows the performance of both traditional movements: deadlift, squat, etc. both of ballistic movements: swing, snatch etc. increasing the coordination between the hips and the shoulders, as well as the global stability of the body in the multi-planarity of the movements.
  • 0606 Hip band (click HERE for the video) Loop elastic band used as a complementary tool in hip flexion and extension exercises, especially squats, in order to obtain greater activation of the gluteus minimus medius and the tensors of the fascia latae.
  • 9040 / 30W Rubber Wagon Wheel   (click HERE for the video) with compact rocker arm 9014 and collars 9016/1. The deadlift set with giant 66 cm diameter bumpers is the other basic tool of the method. The lifts from the ground represent not only a fundamental multi-joint training dedicated to strength, but, mainly affecting the posterior chain, they complete the training of the muscular system involved in stabilizing the knee. In alpine skiing, the knee joint undergoes very high tensions, which can be counteracted through specific preparation capable of guaranteeing strength and balance between the muscles involved.
  • 9123 Ghd & Sissy Squats – Hamstring Bench  (click HERE for the video) Two tools in one: Hamstring Bench and Sissy Squat. The Sissy Squat performed using a bench is an exercise for training the quadriceps which reproduces the condition of the load being pulled back which can occur during skiing action. Hamstring Bench (Nordic Norwegian Curl) is effective in training part of the posterior muscle chain (hamstring muscles, trunk muscles) mainly through eccentric (load slowdown) and isometric (load arrest) failure exercises. The 9123 bench, combined with the fundamental deadlift exercise, makes it practical to train all types of muscle contraction (isometric, concentric, eccentric) and therefore all the force production components.
  • 9013/1 GHR – Glute Hamstring AB Roller  (click HERE for the video) Multifunctional tool inserted in the FAST Kit to be integrated with the Nordic hamstrings Curls performed on the 9123 bench. Unlike the bench, the Roller allows you to reach the maximum lengthening and shortening of the hamstring muscles in a relatively easy and dynamic way. Training is useful in sports, such as alpine skiing, characterized by maximal expressions of power (speed and strength).

Displaying 11 results


Functional Alpine Ski Training 


Weightlifting/Powerlifting Barbells

9012/3 LOW HEX BAR

297,38 VAT included

Rubberized plates - bumper discs - Bumper plate PU

9040/30W Rubber Wagon Wheel Bumper Plate

181,48 VAT included 90,74 VAT included
1.525,00 VAT included 1.448,75 VAT included
455,98 VAT included

B-wheel - Core whells & Abdominal suspension band

9013/1 GHR – Glute Hamstring AB Roller

97,60 VAT included

Weightlifting/Powerlifting Barbells

9014 Training Barbell 140

147,93 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

8054 Flow Bag

149,45 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

OR8054 Flow Bag Outrace

195,20 VAT included

Elastic bands, Fit tube, Big Tubing

0606 Hip Bands

9,15 VAT included
15,25 VAT included
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