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Balance Board, Duneball board, bump disk, balance pad, proprioceptive tablets

Le proprioceptive tabletsFreeman tablets, if you prefer, those which, thanks to a hemisphere applied under the tablet itself, cause instability. The Balance Board they serve for both rehabilitation that for the prevention, practices aimed primarily at athletes, amateur or professional that they are. How is proprioception stimulated? Meanwhile, it is necessary to remember what the action of the proprioceptors is, which send messages to the central nervous system, to provide feedback information, signaling to the brain the movements that the body is making. The Balance Board are therefore used for recover (or strengthen) the ankle and knee joints, restoring the motor patterns that guarantee a static and dynamic balance. This model of neuromotor stimulation is extremely important even in an elderly subject, who with the use of the tablet will be able to improve many muscular and nervous faculties.

Here are a few exercises listed on the basis of difficulty:

  • while sitting, one foot on the board to mobilize the ankle (very easy)
  • one foot on the ground and one on the board to mobilize the ankle (easy)
  • both feet on the board to try to maintain balance (medium)
  • only one foot on the board (difficult)
  • two feet on the board with eyes closed (very difficult)
  • as above with the operator disturbing the subject with small pushes (very difficult)

Obviously the difficulty must be measured on the subject who is training and with respect to the point in which he is in the re-education. In case of a healthy subject it is possible to use the last three proposals, for the prevention and improvement of proprioception.

balance training

8030 Dune Ball Board

112,09 VAT included

balance training

2909 Balance Pad

50,33 VAT included 40,26 VAT included
59,48 VAT included
25,93 VAT included
97,60 VAT included
54,90 VAT included
19,83 VAT included
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