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Flowbags & Sandbags

They are highly destabilizing tools, which obliges the user to an intense work of compensation and control, which involves the whole body.
Anyone who has never tried the Flow-Bag must do it; a short test is enough to realize the training potential of these tools the water that moves with inside. In fact, a few liters of water determine an exceptional amount of work, capable of transforming an apparently sectoral exercise into an extraordinarily global activity, capable of involving the whole body.
The main quality of tools with water is just this; emphasize the awareness of the body as a whole and not as a sum of isolated parts and movements. We recommend filling the Flowbag with a few liters of water (3 beginners, 5 trained, 8 advanced) and performing multiplanar and multidirectional exercises, performed in acceleration (moderate for beginners), which, thanks above all to the movement of the water, will determine conditions of asymmetry and continuous instability. We will thus obtain workouts in which the fundamental principles of functional training will be evident to everyone and with them the benefits in terms of well-being and performance.

Flowbags & Sandbags

8054 Flow Bag

149,45 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

OR8054 Flow Bag Outrace

195,20 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

8045-8049 Si-Sand Bag

64,05 VAT included - 79,30 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

OR4001 Flyo Pump

17,08 VAT included

Flowbags & Sandbags

8033-8041 Strongman Bag

146,40 VAT included - 333,98 VAT included
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