"The nature of man is in movement: complete rest is death” (B. Pascal). That the movement had a key role in the very essence of the human being was already clear in the seventeenth century: it is through it that it is possible to produce energy, but also find thatpsychophysical harmony which allows you to express your full potential. In its various forms, the movement creates the conditions for one healthy and active lifestyle, which contrasts with the progressive sedentary lifestyle that embraces an increasingly vast portion of our daily lives. We are seated when we work or study, we are seated when we eat, we are seated when we move from place to place and we are often seated even when we exercise.

An answer to this trend comes from a project born in Rome and which has made the return to movement its fulcrum, uniting around this goal different styles, approaches and skills: Motus (“movement” in Latin) is a practice that tends to master one's body as an expression of freedom and psychophysical well-being.

Composed of figures with extremely diversified backgrounds, the Motus Team combines multidisciplinary approaches aimed at a single goal, namely a conscious exploration of the human dimension and its potential through movement. A sort of small revolution in people's lifestyles, which do not require professional preparation, since it is a gradual and progressive approach, but the simple curiosity of wanting to live life in an active and dynamic way, participating in it and not undergoing it .

Strength, flexibility, joint mobility, coordination, dexterity, concentration and courage: these are just some of the aspects on which the approach of Motus, who was among the main protagonists of the recent Sidea Open Weekends

The three trainers of the Motus Team, Katharina LoestzschEmanuele Pagliuca e Richard Collins, in fact, they held workshops entitled “Motus Handstand and Transitions: an Upside Down Point of View” on the setting of the free vertical on the hands and more generally on the dynamic movements on the ground to obtain immediate improvements in stability and sense of balance. "An overturned point of view" which therefore does not only concern finding oneself physically upside down, but which also metaphorically summarizes this group's attempt to reverse the approach to everyday life. To remember that "the nature of man is in movement".


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