Among the tools of the world ofFunctional Training, Yes-Sand-Bag it certainly has unique characteristics, specifically designed for any type of athlete and/or Functional Training enthusiast. This "bag" full of sand, similar in appearance to Flow Bag but different from many points of view and easier to use, it is in fact suitable for different types of training: Strength, Endurance, Speed.

What are the technical characteristics of the Si-Sand Bag?

As can be clearly seen, thanks to its different loads, the type of training can be directed to any purpose. We will use loads from 5 to 10 kg especially for Extreme Joint Mobility Phases, i.e. where passages in active mode with overload in positions of dynamic mobility are required. In this way you can make the Warm Up exercise much more concrete and much more conditioning, thus increasing your own "range" of mobility.

I loads from 15 to 25 kg instead they are dedicated in particular to Strength and/or Strength Endurance exercises, where you need to be able to modulate the intensity, based on the programming that the subject will choose for their goals. For example, exercises of Training Phases with type fundamentals Squat, CutPush up or in any case who go to exercise the main quality to train in static mode, Strength.
Let's not forget, however, that at the same time they can also be carried out "ballistic" exercises with the same tool, to make our training more dynamic, towards the specific abilities of Speed ​​and/or Power.

For these reasons, the Si-Sand Bag can be used in different ways, being very versatile. In its adaptability, however, it also maintains the advantages of being very simple to use and to be "maneuvered" in the ballistic phases with respect to the Flow Bag. In fact, the latter does not allow any type of error in the phases of transition from one exercise to another, given that the loss of "posture" would lead to critical phases on a physical level and/or potential injuries.

La Si-Sand Bag instead it is a piece of equipment that partially "forgives" the wrong movement of the performer, but obviously we must not forget that it is always and in any case a load that affects our type of training. Before using it would therefore be advisable take the necessary precautions regarding the distances around the performer, study the various grips, be familiar with the load chosen for the various exercises and concentrate on correct posture.

8045-8049 Si-Sand Bag

64,05 VAT included - 79,30 VAT included

The Si-Sand Bags are preloaded bags with handles, specifically designed for functional training, available from 5 to 25 kg in weight. Length increased to 75cm, for a physiologically more correct posture and closer to the grip width of a barbell, 8 padded handles, PVC coating and new black / gray look.

See also:
code 8045 Flow Bag (fillable with water, adjustable weight 0-30 Kg)

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What exercises can be performed with the Si-Sand Bag?

As we said previously, the fundamental exercises for which this tool can be used are the Squat, Deadlifts, Lunges (back, forward, lateral, crossed or combined with each other) or le Push up. It's about everyone pure strength exercises performed on the two main training plans, using it double socket or, in the case of intermediate athletes, even single socket. The tool is in fact equipped with 8 grips, thanks to which it is possible to perform and inter-exchange several exercises on the different training plans, without ever having to put the tool on the ground.

What is the correct technique for performing the exercises?

The correct initial movement, given the starting situation with the implement on the ground and the user normally standing, it will be to flex the hips backwards on the sagittal plane until the correct eccentric activation of the posterior muscle chain at the level of the hips, especially the Hamstring muscles. The torso will have to be stabilized through the global activation of the "core", the abdomen together with the activation of the latissimus dorsi through the stabilization of the shoulder girdle, keeping the shoulders back and depressed, as well as the scapulae, which will also be they are depressed and addicted. From this starting position, you can choose how to bring the equipment to the desired height in order to start the fundamental exercises. To go into the Rack position, i.e. the starting point for each exercise, it is in fact possible to perform a Deadlift, or a Turn, etc…

Another possibility is to start in supine mode, grabbing the tool and bringing it to the chest to then choose the most congenial start.

What physical characteristics can be trained with the Si-Sand Bag?

First of all, the Strength in statics globally, because it can be used for all exercises with conditioning load on the frontal and sagittal planes. In this case we have a multitude of exercises that can be tackled standing and kneeling, in single or double grip, in the various eccentric, isometric or concentric phases, where the load will be positioned at will and will have no way of oscillating , allowing us absolute control of the implement and therefore to focus more on the correct movement when performing the exercises.

Thanks also to “soft” sockets, indicated for each type of user, the Si-Sand Bag proves to be the best tool compared to any other (Kettlebell, Si-Clubs, Flying, Flow Bag etc.), in respect for the safety of the hand same, without omitting a good level of grip training. The "rubberized grips", in fact, not only put any user at ease, but the ductility of the grip makes the use of the Si-Sand Bag pleasant.

Integrating the use of the Si-Sand Bag into your workouts can therefore be very useful for the grip enhancement, especially when you are already tired and can no longer handle a rougher tool correctly. In similar situations, the training movement can be continued with the Si-Sand Bag, lengthening the times and consequently enhancing the Resistance pure.

The differences with the Flow Bag

The Si-Sand Bag can be used extremely effectively to train ballistics as well Transversal plan, too often not included in gym workouts. In this sense, the main difference with the Flow Bag it's about the fact that the Si-Sand Bag is capable of better maintain the trajectories taken and bring in safety the maneuverability of the operator. The only caution to take will be choosing the right load based on the exercise or ballistic movement we are going to face.

Compared to Flow Bag, another more advantageous option is also the fact of being able "switch" without difficulty from one exercise to another, thanks to the fast inter-exchange of grips, both in static and dynamic mode, but also subsequently in ballistic mode, because the rubberized multi-sockets they allow a good harmony in grasping with confidence and in the right synchronization of the movements.

In conclusion, the Si-Sand Bag is recommended for any userwhether you are a beginner, intermediate or an expert. This is because it knows how to combine several fundamental exercises in a single tool, keeping the person using it safe. The important thing versatility e ductility makes it perfectly suitable for both men and women, and allows it to be used not only in the gym, but also at home and outdoors, being very resistant and comfortable to carry around.

David Bertola


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